
Definition of computer
Ø The term computer is derived from the word ‘computae’ this means to calculate. But today’s computers are not just calculating devices.
Ø Computers are versatile; they are capable of performing varied types of jobs and can handle multiple applications at one time.
Ø The acronym for computer is: “Common Oriented Machine particularly used for Trade, Education and Research.
Ø A computer is an electronic device that manipulates information or data. It has the ability to store, retrieve, and process data and gives the output in a desired manner.
   History of computer:
Ø ABACUS was the first calculating device which was invented by Chinese. It consisted of a frame, which had number of wires and each wire contained some beads. The beads were used for counting and calculations. Here beads were stored at one side of the frame and moving the beads to another side performed calculations.

Ø Naier’s Bones: Another accounting device invented by John Napier, a very strange Scotsman, and “bones” was strips of ivory with numbers written in them. When the bones were arranged properly, the user could read the numbers in adjacent columns to get the answer of a multiplication operation.

        Ø The Pascaline-Adding Machine: Blaise Pascal invented the first machine which could add also called hand powered adding machines in early 1642. Machine invented by Blaise Pascal was so revolutionary that the principle behind it is still used in most of the mechanical computers being used today. Addition and subtraction could easily be performed; division could be performed by subtraction multiplication and by repeated addition. 


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