1.2 Rotary Vane Pump

Simple Definition:-

              A rotary vane pump is a positive-displacement pump that consists of vanes mounted to a rotor that rotates inside of a cavity. In some case these vanes can have variable length and/or be tensioned to maintain contact with the walls as the pump rotates.

           Rotary vane pumps (fixed and simple adjustable displacement) have higher efficiencies than gear pumps, but are also used for mid pressures up to 180 bar (18,000 kPa) in general. Modern units can exceed 300 bar (30,000 kPa) in continuous operation, although vane pumps are not regarded as "high pressure" components. Some types of vane pumps can change the centre of the vane body, so that a simple adjustable pump is obtained. These adjustable vane pumps are in general constant pressure or constant power pumps: the displacement is increased until the required pressure or power is reached and subsequently the displacement or swept volume is decreased until an equilibrium is reached.

  A critical element in vane pump design is how the vanes are pushed into contact with the pump housing, and how the vane tips are machined at this very point.Several type of "lip" designs are used, and the main objective is to provide a tight seal between the inside of the housing and the vane, and at the same time to minimize wear and metal-to-metal contact. Forcing the vane out of the rotating centre and towards the pump housing is accomplished using spring-loaded vanes,or more traditionally, vanes loaded hydro dynamically (via the pressurized system fluid).

     written by:- Farhan Mustafa
     E_mail:- farhanmustafa522@gamil.com


  1. In need of construction and maintenance manual


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